Business Coaching
As our name shows, clarity is key. Without clarity in the vision, mission, and goals of the company, the team can get bogged down, growth and improvement slowed, and potential remains untapped. On a daily basis I coach and train business owners, professionals, and teams to be, do, and have more in their professional and business lives.
So what is a coach anyway?
The business coach is an expert in helping realize the full potential of the business and business owner and works with owners and CEOs in the areas of:
Team – “Do I have the right people on the bus and in the right seats?”
Time - “I work 70 to 80 hours a week and my kids don’t know me”.
Money – “How do I increase sales?”
Exit Strategy - Selling to a competitor or employee, or transitioning to the next generation.
How does the business coach do that?
The coach starts with the right questions to understand the business and the goals of the business owner. From there the coach can wear many hats:
Outside set of eyes - Brings a fresh /outside perspective.
Sounding board - Business owners many times to not have anyone off which they can bounce their ideas. The ability to “unload” to a trusted advisor without judgment is a need that many times is unmet for business owners and CEOs.
Pressure tester - Business has a lot of moving parts, and trying to figure out the best path forward can be a bit like running through a maze. The coach can pressure test concepts against the stated purpose, focus, and values of the owner to come up with an optimized solution.
Cheerleader – Although there may be a long line of critics, most business owners have very few people to tell them when they are doing it right. The coach has a front row seat to the successes of the business owner/CEO, and is able to give meaningful encouragement as needed.
As things come up - Sometimes the business owner just needs to “bang around” some challenging day-to-day issues that have arisen since the last meeting.
What is the benefit to a business owner or CEO?
It’s so easy to get caught up in the detail of the day to day running of a business. Working with a business coach helps the owner/CEO focus on the strategic elements of the company.
Many times even the most positive leader can be pulled into some negative thinking about him/herself. A business coach can help strip away the owner’s self-limiting beliefs and assumptions allowing the leader to more fully engage in the issues at hand.
The net effect is that the coach can help the owner/CEO achieve goals quicker than he/she ever thought possible. This not only yields a sense of accomplishment when the goals are achieved, but also has the effect of reducing stress throughout the process.